The Art of Storyboard – A Place Where Film and Comics Meet
Iervolino Studios participated in a panel discussion on the Art of Storyboard.
Iervolino Studios participated in a panel discussion on the Art of Storyboard.
Iervolino Studios participated in a panel discussion on the topic of Storyboard – a graphically visualized "Story" about the future screen adaptation of a certain script.
At the Great Hall of the Student Cultural Centre, a panel discussion on the topic Storyboard – a graphically visualized "Story" about the future screen adaptation of a certain script, was held within the broader project of the author Marija Ristić, art historian. The Storyboard project is educational and consists of a video presentation of selected works by foreign and domestic authors, represented in films, animated films and commercials, as well as of the first exhibition dedicated exclusively to storyboard in Serbia, presented in the Happy Gallery of SCC, which helps affirm this discipline within contemporary art.
At the panel, during which the audience had the opportunity to hear direct experiences in working with storyboards or their application in the pre-production phase of a film, the participants were Rastko Ćirić, Professor at the Faculty of Applied Arts, Peter Nalli, Director of Animation and Visual Effects at Iervolino Entertainment, Dragutin Vukelić, Illustrator at Iervolino Studios, as well as illustrators and storyboard artists Borivoje Grbić, Radomir Izgarević and Bojan Debenak, while the moderator was the author of the project itself, Marija Ristić.
"Storyboard is the most noticeable spot where comics and film come together, but, unlike them, it does not require complete storytelling and does not address the audience directly, but the film crew. It is also extremely important for producers, cameramen and all members of the author’s team. However, this exhibition also raises some new questions as it demystifies the process of making the film. The storyboard, viewed as one of the stages of pre-production and exhibited in this way, shows that it can also exist as a separate art form", Marija Ristić stated and added that, in addition to cooperation with educational institutions and art academies, and students who are studying there, the support of large production companies is very important for such initiatives.
This was recognized by the newly established company for the production of short animated films, Iervolino Studios, which operates in Serbia as a branch of the international production Iervolino Entertainment, and whose representatives shared their experience and expertise with those present.
I don’t think I’ve been to an exhibition of this type since Disneyland, when I had the opportunity to see exclusively the works of local storyboard artists, which says a lot about its quality. We are pleased to support artists, their projects and initiatives, because with the development of technology, computers are faster, and location is not nearly as important as artists. People who create content on that state-of-the-art equipment are crucial”, Peter Nalli, director of animation and visual effects at Iervolino Entertainment, stated. “During our work with people in Serbia so far and exchange of experiences, we realized that this is a country of really great artistic talents and potentials. Some of them are already working at Iervolino Studios, but our doors are always open for new creators with new ideas, who are not even aware of what they can do."