Meet ILBES People – Marina Matović, Storyboard Artist
We are very proud to introduce to you the talented Marina Matović, our Junior 2d Storyboard Artist.
We are very proud to introduce to you the talented Marina Matović, our Junior 2d Storyboard Artist.
As we continue to celebrate women around the world throughout March, especially women in animation, we are very proud to introduce to you another one of our incredible female colleagues. Meet Marina Matović, Junior 2d Storyboard Artist at ILBE Studios!
During our interview with Marina, we delved into her professional background and expertise, gaining insight into her creative process and enthusiasm for storyboarding and animation.
As a valued member of the ILBES team, Marina sheds light on what it means to be a part of a dynamic and innovative groupand what life for a storyboard artist looks like at ILBES. Not to mention, Marina is not only a storyboard artist, but a bodypaint artist and DJ as well! Check out the video below and dive into Marina's journey and perspective.
Q&A with Marina Matović
Tell us something about the storyboard profession in general, and why your job is something you enjoy doing?
M: The storyboard profession is a rather complex animated principle of showing something before it is fully realized. A storyboard gives us the opportunity to show people via sketches and minimal animation what the plot is and in which direction we are headed. I love doing something that is challenging, and even though animation sometimes seems easy to do, it is definitely not. Sometimes, I ask myself, 'what have I gotten myself into?', but when I see the final product, it only confirms that I am in the right place.
How did you hear about our studio and what was your first encounter with the studio like?
M: I first heard about the studio through my brother, who forwarded me an interview with Miloš Biković. Back then, he mentioned that the studio would open in 3 years, which made me think, "yeah right, who's going to wait that long?" Fortunately, that information turned out to be incorrect, as shortly after, Mileta Poštić (Storyboard Supervisor and ITC Manager at ILBES), advised me to apply for a job here. Through the course provided by the studio, I got the opportunity to work here. I was really excited when I came to ILBE Studios. My first thought was, ‘finally a place in this city where I can do what I love to do’.
Tell us about your experience in the Internal Training Center (ITC) of ILBE Studios
M: The Storyboard course within the Internal Training Center lasted for 2 months. During that period, I was both excited and a little bit anxious, because I really wanted to join ILBES, but at the same time, I didn't want to lose myself. I received tons of useful information throughout the course about characters, camera, location, and software. It was my first real step towards joining team ILBES.
What motivates you the most in your work at ILBE Studios and how has your experience here impacted you as an artist?
M: What attracts and motivates me the most is the thought that I get to draw every day and be creative, and to top it off, I make a living out of what I love. Is there anything better? As for how my experience so far has impacted me personally, I cannot objectively evaluate it, but I believe that I am truly progressing and will continue to do so!
What have you found in this environment that you haven't found elsewhere?
M: I would say that I have found exceptional people in whom I see myself and who I can learn from. There are so many possibilities here, and I am looking forward to seeing what this journey has in store for me next!
What does it take to become a successful storyboard artist at ILBE Studios?
M: In my opinion, it is primarily necessary to nurture your inner child. There is also versatility in thinking, a constant desire to learn and make progress, and putting the team first, because there is no place for ego in our team.
Would you like to give a message to young storyboard artists, or to those who have a similar background as you and want to step onto the same path?
M: I would advise young storyboard artists to draw as much as possible, to watch animated movies, and pay attention to little details, scenes, framing, camera angles, etc. Never give up on your ideas and don’t let anyone tell you whether you can or cannot do something. Study various artists, drawing styles, and directing techniques.
You are an incredibly versatile artist – could you tell us something about your other hobbies and interests outside of the studio?
M: Yes, I’m involved in various activities with creativity at its core. When I’m done with drawing and working on animated series, I organize private gatherings and parties in the form of masquerades. I have also been working as a DJ for three years now, and it's only now coming into focus. I also do body art and face painting for therapeutic purposes. There are other elements of expression such as singing and dancing, but they are not as dominant right now. I definitely believe that animation can encompass all these elements, and I feel that I am on the right path.
As a creative animation studio, our main goal is to create great stories for the young and young at heart, and we know that it wouldn’t be possible without the incredible people in our #ILBESteam. Stay tuned for the next chapter in our #MeetILBESPeople campaign.