Johnny Depp as Johnny Puff Saving the Environment
Iervolino Entertainment has signed an official contract with the famous Hollywood actor.
Iervolino Entertainment has signed an official contract with the famous Hollywood actor.
The Italian production company Iervolino Entertainment, which recently announced the opening of a production studio in Serbia, has signed an official contract with the famous Hollywood actor Johnny Depp. This time, the famous Jack Sparrow will lend his voice to the Puffin bird, in the latest short animated series Puffins, which will be completely produced in our country.
The story follows the adventures of five Arctic birds, assistants of the cunning walrus named Otto, with Johnny Puff among them, symbolically named after the actor who will interpret him. This interesting crew lives on the North Pole planes, where they encounter and fight the consequences of environmental pollution and melting of the eternal ice in the Arctic on a daily basis. Therefore, this animated movie deals with important social topics, in an avant-garde and entertaining way, in order to draw the public attention to the current problems that our planet is facing day by day.
“We are very excited that we have once again reached an agreement with Johnny Depp, with whom we previously collaborated on the set of the movie Waiting for the Barbarians. This is the first time that a Hollywood actor participates in the production of short content, let alone animated, which is an additional confirmation that this format is the future of the film and that we are on the right track”, said Andrea Iervolino, director and founder of the production company Iervolino Entertainment and added that they are proud that a star of this calibre has shown them trust and that his active participation in this revolutionary project will contribute to the development of the character of Johnny Puff, who he will interpret.
The Puffins series, which will be designed and produced in Serbia, will be a mix of comedy and absurd and will have as many as 250 episodes lasting five minutes each. In accordance with the contract, Johnny Depp has committed to participate in all promotional activities, advertising and interviews required from him in relation to this series, which will probably come out later this year.