The Hero’s Journey – Internal Education at ILBE Studios
Dragutin Vukelić gave an inspiring lecture on the topic of “The Hero’s Journey” at ILBE Studios.
Dragutin Vukelić gave an inspiring lecture on the topic of “The Hero’s Journey” at ILBE Studios.
Dragutin Vukelić, Lead 2d Storyboard Artist at ILBE Studios, gave a memorable and inspiring lecture on the topic of “The Hero’s Journey” as part of our internal education program to his fellow colleagues and teammates in our studio. We are grateful to Dragutin and to all those who participated in our first #LearnwithILBES lecture of 2023!
Every Story Needs a Hero
As Dragutin said, every story needs a hero. In this lecture, the heroes were the very people who participated in the lecture, or in other words, adventure. Storyboard artists, scriptwriters, as well as people from other departments at ILBE Studios, gathered to listen to Dragutin who showed them the power of creating stories, the significance of working in a team, and the effect that our own stories can have if we put our mind to it. The lecture was highly interactive and everyone present not only listened to Dragutin, but also actively participated in it.
The Hero’s Journey or Monomyth
Dragutin gave an in-depth analysis and his own interpretation of the hero's journey, or monomyth, which is a recurring theme in many narratives, best defined by mythologist Joseph Campbell, who popularized the hero myth pattern studies. This pattern can be found in the mythologies of cultures around the globe, and it often involves a hero who ventures out on an adventure, overcomes threats and challenges, and returns home changed, fulfilling his or her destiny. It is a pattern identified in narratives as old as Homer's Odyssey.
In this lecture, through well-known examples, Dragutin demonstrated how throughout the centuries, genres, techniques and different styles, the path of a hero has remained mostly unchanged.
Internal Education at ILBE Studios
As is always the case at ILBE Studios, everyone eager to learn something new and interesting, was welcome to Dragutin’s lecture. Our internal education program is an opportunity for ILBES employees from various departments to sit together, learn from each other, and grow together as a team. That is why we encourage everyone who would like to share his or her ideas and thoughts to take on the role of a #LearnwithILBES lecturer. We can’t wait to see what our colleagues will come up with next.